Author - Bernard van Hest

Hiring team leader screen installations!

Do you want to work for the total partner for service in horticulture? Our activities vary from building large production greenhouses to cleaning the most difficult to reach places. Every day we work with 12 teams in different locations all over the world. Due to our continued growth, we are looking for an experienced team leader screening! As team leader screen instalations you are in charge of a team of mechanics. You manage this team on a daily basis. You are...


Media: MKB Westland Business Magazine Streamer

HS Tuinbouw Service B.V. in Naaldwijk: honest, transparant and clear! As Westland MKB entrepreneurs, we all know: a grower must be able to focus and maintain onhis crop. A successful grower does this in a greenhouse that is in optimum condition. And that greenhouse is of course designed, realized and maintained by that one party from the Westland: HS Tuinbouw Service B.V. from Naaldwijk! A total package of greenhouse-related services: that is what HS Tuinbouw Service B.V.  – founded by John Torenstra...


We combine the cleaning of your greenhouse with a inspection!

Good maintenance starts upstairs. Not only the glass but also the gutters can cause you a lot of worries. Broken or clogged gutters can cause leaks, which can cause various other problems in the greenhouse. Did you know that we have come up with a solution to solve all problems for you in one visit? Dozens of customers have preceded you in recent months. Our specialists clean the gutters with our suitable modern equipment. In many cases they found glass and...


Do we maintain your greenhouse during the cultivation switch?

Summer is coming to an end. This immediately brings the crop rotation into view! Because (parts of) the greenhouse are empty during the crop rotation, the crop rotation is an ideal time to carry out maintenance on the greenhouse. Schedule an appointment now for the maintenance of your greenhouses. This extends the lifespan! The crop rotation is traditionally a period in which many growers have maintenance carried out. This is because our technicians can handle a higher work rate. Because...


Reparation of the greenhouse after calamity!

It's Saturday afternoon. The working week seems to be almost over when our customer in Poederoijen calls. The customer's greenhouse was hit by a very localized gust of wind that caused extensive damage. Our emergency service is on the move! Less than an hour later we were on location. Here we entered into a conversation with the customer and assessed the damage. Our estimate was that more than 300 broken windows were involved. So a lot of damage. We came...


Do we meet at Greentech 2022?

After the success of the Horticontact, we will also be at the Greentech in Amsterdam on 14, 15 and 16 June. Because we would like to take the opportunity to meet you, we hereby offer you the opportunity to request a free ticket for the fair! Greentech Amsterdam is the worldwide meeting place for all horticultural professionals with a focus on the current problems that growers are confronted with. It is the first time that we are exhibiting at the Greentech....